Torbjørn Haaland

Torbjørn Haaland (1999) is a Norwegian composer from the island of Stord. Haaland’s music is found between traditional and contemporary music. In his music, harmonic structures and sonorous im- ages are in focus. The meeting between abstract musical materials and structure makes exploring underlying thoughts and ideas possible.
Haaland, with a background as a percussionist in wind ensemble and brass band, has among other things had performances at the Ultima Festival and the festival for contemporary music, Sonisk Hage. In 2022 his work Waterdrops was performed for the first time by “Det Norske Blåseensemblet.

Deconstruction of pillars is a chaconne, where a harmonic structure is repeated. Unstable lines grow out of this repetition and eventually break apart the stable chord progression. The lines take over, going out of control and then disappear into nothingness.

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